Repeat Prescriptions

Repeat prescriptions are made at the doctor’s discretion. They will be available 1 working day following your request. If the doctor declines the renewal, you will need to make an appointment for a consultation.

You need to have been seen at least once to benefit from this service.

Any drugs initiated elsewhere will not automatically be renewed unless the doctor has received a clear indication on what the drug is prescribed for, with correct dose, etc. If it has been prescribed by a specialist and the doctor has received a letter, then this will be possible. However, for controlled drugs, such as sleeping tablets, ADHD treatment, morphine etc., a consultation may be required.

You can ask for a repeat prescription by:

  • Leaving a message on the answer phone
  • Calling reception
  • Ordering through the patient portal

We use e-prescriptions: prescriptions can be sent electronically to your chosen pharmacy.

Prescription Charges

See fees